Our Social Responsibilities

As an organization which has been created to help students in need to learn and better their academic performance, we understand the importance of helping those in need. With our funds, we plan to help communities in need by donating our money through charities and such. Education is as important as it could get, and providing aid to those in need is something we all want to be a part of. We will also hold educational events from time to time, and conduct gatherings to help educate those who cannot afford other sources. Our company's goal in itself is to help students around the globe whenever, wherever. Every chance we get to provide assistance to students whether they use the website or not, we will take. We are planning on donating to charities, hosting educational events, and using our educational skills and services to help other communities (schools, universities, etc.). We are planning on keeping relations with as many schools/universities as possible, so that it is e...